Thomas Wimberly
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Thomas Wimberly is an artist and designer based out Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Growing up in the deep south, his interests often veered from the typical sportsman way of life in favor of one pursuing the arts.

Growing up in a fairly traditional home, his discovery of punk rock and the mindset behind it in early college introduced him to a world he’d never known before. Show flyers, DIY venues, and the mindset of shaking things up instead of just coasting through life stuck with him and began to shape his work. After some time exploring different inspiring artists and their styles, he’s begun trying to make work to speak for himself. With stark value grouping, limited colors, and for the most part topical subject matter, he hopes to further drive the ideas that fuel him, all while addressing the issues of this world.

Thomas earned his B.A in Graphic Design from Louisiana State University and lives with his wife, Brooke, and their bulldog, Macintosh.