Tavar Zawacki
Berlin, Germany

Tavar Zawacki, is a Berlin-based international contemporary artist. Tavar Zawacki was born in California in 1981 and has been creating public art since 1995. Tavar Zawacki is best known for three different styles of street works, his colorful abstract arrow compositions, social, and political stencils, and text-based 'word play' murals. Tavar Zawacki began painting graffiti by tagging 'ABOVE' graffiti on freight trains in California in 1995. At the age of 19, Tavar moved to Paris, France, where he started painting his trademark arrow icon pointing 'above'. During the past 19 years Tavar Zawacki has painted artworks in the streets of over 100 cities in 60 different countries around the world.