Ricky Watts
Norther California
Born 1980 in San Francisco, California, Ricky Watts' obsession with art began at an early age. As a boy, he loved comics, especially doodling his own. Most often they involved glorious battles between the U.S. Army and nuclear dinosaurs. In grade school, he drew his peers' names in exchange for bartered items. By high school, his entrepreneurial efforts were funding his daily lunches. High school was also when Watts met his first love, graffiti. Fascinated with spray paint as a medium, he became fully engaged in creating elaborate pieces under the cover of night. After graduation, he traveled up and down the west coast, painting large-scale pieces on every surface he could find.
In 2000, interested in expanding his skills, Watts enrolled at the Advertising Arts College in San Diego with an emphasis in graphic design. Unsatisfied, he left after two years and returned home to focus on fine art. His debut solo show "Spontaneous Combustion" opened in 2004 at Heebe Jeebe General Store in Petaluma, California. Ricky has exhibited work in New York City, London, Los Angeles, Portland, Miami, Atlanta, and throughout Northern California. His clients list includes Google, Mercedes-Benz, IBM, YouTube, Anchor Brewing Company and Hansen's Natural Soda.