Mother Cyborg
Detroit, MIchigan

Mother Cyborg grows out of more than twenty years as a musician, technologist, community organizer and educator. I am motivated by a vision of the future where the greatest possibilities for collective liberation, art and technology merge. I develop music, art, and educational tools to reveal the complexities that occur where technology intersects with social spaces, economies, 
and relationships.

I transform myself, I transform the world around me.. As a performer and educator, I spent years thinking about how we create the conditions for the most transformative learning to occur. I was less interested in methods of simply receiving information and more inspired by the process of adapting knowledge for new purposes and the relationship between shaping our internal worlds and shaping the external world.

I believe that by demystifying technology through self-published zines I am creating an analogue touchstone for those afraid of the digital world, putting technical knowledge in the hands of the people who have been socialized to believe they are not and could never be “technologists.” I am committed to nurturing, hybridizing, and artfully shaping and documenting the future of technology rather than being shaped by it.