Matt W. Moore
Boston, Massachusetts
Matt W. Moore is the founder of MWM Graphics, a Design and Illustration Studio based in Boston, Massachusetts. Matt works across disciplines, from colorful digital illustrations in his signature “Vectorfunk” style, to freeform canvas paintings, and massive murals.

He exhibits his artwork in galleries all around the world and collaborates with clients in all sectors. Matt is also Co-Founder & Designer for Glyph Cue Clothing. Surf through his site to learn more about Matt's History, Present, and Future.

As founder of MWM Graphics, Matt dubbed his digital abstract style early on in his career, and has since employed it to cover surfaces ranging from Ray-Ban Wayfarers to Almond Surfboards; an Apple Desktop, Coca-Cola’s London Olympics Campaign, and an entire issue of Wired Magazine. Whether working in fine art or commercial applications, Matt W. Moore finds that each sparks the other. Graphic design projects often inform the Monumental Murals he paints in city neighborhoods around the world. His annual series of Watercolor Paintings in black and white might inform future Logo Designs. Cross-pollinating between disciplines allows him to constantly refresh his perspective and produce unique work. Applying his vision to new surfaces or in collaboration with others always proves his credo.

Many of Matt’s most memorable projects have been at the intersection of art and design, and often involve substantial collaborative processes.These range from his own initiatives, such as his clothing line Glyph Cue and his home goods line Core Deco, to projects initiated by others, such as painted outdoor sculptures for Moscow’s Sretenka Design Week, robot-generated Sharpie marker drawings done with a  Modified CNC Machine, and curated projects such as murals at Art Basel Miami Beach or corridor-length wall paintings in Barcelona’s Vincci Hotel. Leaving himself open to the inspiration of new places, materials, and looming deadlines, for the majority of his projects with art galleries, he arrives to the venue empty-handed, creating the entire body of work as a residency on-site, whether in Paris, São Paulo, or Cincinnati, and always with accompanying outdoor murals and street paintings.