Jonny Alexander
Detroit, MI
Jonny Alexander comes to us with an introspective look at our natural planet. Hailing from California and spending his time exploring the state’s deserts, mountains and coastlines his art sheds light on the intricate patterns of the natural environment and the varying forms it takes.

“Drawing connections between the patterns I see in nature helps me to shape my understanding of reality and the world we live in,” Alexander says.

His paintings carry with them a backbone of narrative surrealism filtered through an upbringing in the surf and skate culture of Southern California giving it a vibrant and contemporary appearance.

You may find him at his desk painting small details, out painting a mural, in the printmaking studio or possibly even in the mountains somewhere crouched down looking very closely at a stick or some rocks.

Currently Jonny Alexander resides in Detroit, Michigan as 1xRUN’s In-House Master Printer. With a background in traditional printmaking techniques and almost 10 years screen printing experience he is now working with 1xRUN artists to produce hand pulled screen prints right here in the 1xRUN Detroit Studio.