Los Angeles, CA
CYRCLE is a two-man collective born out of Los Angeles, California in 2010. Their work focuses on life, duality, and the human condition. Those concepts, combined with the aesthetic consideration of form, type face, color, and balance are what creates their signature style. Through street campaigns, design, fine art, murals, and collaborations, their work blurs the lines within the contemporary art world. CYRCLE reveals complex ideologies in their simplest forms. Refusing to constrain themselves to a particular definition- street artists, graphic designers, traditional fine artists- the collective is interested in what the function and form of the work itself demands. Living by the motto We Never Die, CYRCLE strives to shed light on otherwise dark matters, thoughtfully exposing the gray areas of life.

We left our families.
We abandoned our homes.
We worked for nothing.
We slept on floors.
We partied hard.
We lost our minds.
We danced with the Devil.
We faced our fears.
We swallowed our pride.
We gave our hearts.
We tried and failed.
We followed our dreams.
We are CYRCLE.
We Never Die!

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