New York, New York
Wilfredo "Bio" Feliciano born April 20, 1966 in New York started his artistic career in the early eighties at the height of the New York City subway graffiti movement. Thirty years later he is considered to be one of the top stylists or letter masters throughout the movement worldwide. Known for his many letter styles, complex and intricate wild styles as well as his explosive use of colors. Bio is known as a true master of New York style painting.

BIO is also a founding member of the world-famous art collective known as Tats Cru "The Mural Kings" originally known as TAT Cru founded by Brim, Mack and Bio in the eighties. Tats Cru continues to be a major force in the advancement of graffiti art both commercially and artistically. Tats Cru's current active members are Hector "Nicer" Nazario, Sotero "Bg183" Ortiz.